Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The story of my life

The Story of My Life

                Long long time ago there was a family living in the mountainous area, it seems that they were not happy even they bear a three children. Until the time has come by the year of 1995 January 27 at midnight the little boy was born that brings them all hopes and gives light to their dark side, they name the little boy after that night thinking that it was their new blessing and hope and it was name Jimboy. They fed him and love him so much, even they have nothing still they find ways on how to send their children in school specially to him. They never give up until the little boy before (Jimboy) grow up, only thing that they teach on him is how to become stronger in any straggles in life.

               At the early age of  8 he helps his family in farm, can carry one sack of charcoal even how heavy it is but still he carry it. At he the age of  12 he knows how to find money by his own, he try to become independent at the early age because of the situation of his family. Since grade six he try to sent himself to school until he went to high school, he applied as a working student in his school and during weekends making money through making charcoal.

               And happily he finish his study in high school but he was not be able to continue his dream to study in college because of financial problem, he works in any mall in cebu but he never loss hope. One day he received a text from one of the colleges in cebu city for scholarship program, he is very happy and lucky because at that moment he can continue his study to reach his dream.

                Here I am today standing and the very end of the battle and now he is the very happy guy in the world because in this coming April 30, 2019 he is going to walk the isles marching with toga and diploma. This is my honor because the Jimboy before who has nothing but now slowly turning into having something to prove to somebody else that he can be able change his life into better one.

               This my only goals in life to finish my study and  to have a degree and to become businessman someday and having my own business.

                I Choose this concept on my blog because I want to try and explore the world with love together my one and only one princess of my life without fears. Despite and Inspite of my experiences in life I can still be able to show and bring her to the world she wanted to be, because I want her feel special even in our own vision of love.